The purpose of the Center on Parenting and Opioids (CPO) Lived Experience Community Board (LECB) is to bring together people with substance use disorders who have pregnancy and parenting experiences to inform research through a community driven process. We supported members in crafting their bios and wish to acknowledge that people use their own self-defined terms to describe their recovery. We support people using their own words to describe themselves and their communities and also wish to acknowledge that words like addict and clean should not be used when talking about people with substances use disorders as referring to people as a group in this way perpetuates stigma. Our LECB are parents who have lived experience with substance use disorders who share their experience with the CPO to strengthen our communication and to provide ideas to improve the usefulness of our research to other parents.
The goals of the Lived Experience Community Board are to:
- provide feedback on new or ongoing research projects
- inform future research directions
- generate ideas for sharing research findings
- identify methods for improving implementation of evidence-based practices